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The video with great sense of humor, tells us through the technique of "stop motion" is how a weekend in the world of teens and alcohol consumption.
The video is made with type dolls "click Famobil" filmed and assembled Shot mood to deal with the argument to bottle a day


  • What do you thik about the video technique and its effectiveness with the message. Commercial Analysis .

  • Analyze the end of the real characters as dolls and fictional characters .

  • The video part of a group of kids who can not enter the disco bottle and decide to leave You think consumption influences the price of drinks and not have a place to relate to fall in consumption ?

  • View and analyze the association on the current Party = Consumption youth.

  • Working the effects of alcohol on health taking a pretext this video.

  • Working with the social factors that influence alcohol consumption .

  • Introduce the concept of humor desdramatizando the fact the drug. Group Dynamics for or against positions. Messages Using coercive or positive messages or humor .

  • Analyze the performance and effectiveness of the prevention message in this video with different ways of seeing the same argument .

  • Open discussion about peer pressure and how we position ourselves to it.

FIRST PRIZE: "Alcohol is not a game" IES La Escribana (Villaviciosa de C.)

With the participation of 20 schools and 60 schools, we conducted an assessment of the history of our contest:
206 schools have participated in these twelve editions, 564 videos have been submitted to the contest and over 3500 students have participated. We propose a stage finish or start a new one.
And as you can see we opted for the second, to extend this Contest at National level, while the share with this site so valuable that we have to educate health material.



  • Ask the class how many would take one decision or another. Then connect with the idea of ​​assessing the risk in adolescence and making appropriate decisions.

  • Analyse the different attitudes and different responses of the two decisions. In class group who believe that those who would look before and after. Make a small play on this occasion.

  • Enter the debate the controversy "You need to try something to reject."

  • The rejection, disgust and vomiting resulting in some. Link this with positive factors to not fall in consumption.

  • What personal, social and family factors have led to the decision not to look (say NO). Analysis of these factors and what they think ordering from high to low is more influential to say NO to drugs. Techniques to say NO.

SECOND PRIZE: "Common Sense" CDP Ave María -(Granada) ​


  • Commercial Analysis of the influence of color, music alternating different rates. etc.

  • The final talk of not having a toy head and be broken if you consume. Working with personal factors that affect consumption.

  • Enter this video in class for further development of other drug prevention content.

  • Internet search and analysis of the various campaigns that the video look.


European advertising campaigns drug prevention in recent years.
The video ends humorously with participants with the severed head with the "slogan" prevention "You have not heard ten head."

THIRD PRIZE: "Memory" IES​ Ribera de Fardes (Purullena - Granada)


This video does a fabulous resource economy poses the dilemma of morbid curiosity and the teen before having a new experience and making decisions. For this class a teacher enters with a briefcase and leaves on the table warning their students not to touch or look at anything until she returns


  • o Análisis publicitario de la influencia de la música alternando distintos ritmos y el montaje rápido que nos induce al concepto “vive deprisa” utilizándolo  como sinónimo de “vive sano” etc.
    o Tomando como referencia el video, hacer asociaciones semejantes a las  vistas en el video con factores positivos y negativos en el ámbito de lo personal, familiar y social.
    o El video trata de las alternativas de una vida sana frente a una vida no saludable. Enumerar las distintas alternativas al consumo en un fin de semana que tenemos realmente y las alternativas ideales que podríamos o deberíamos  tener.
    o ¿Cómo podríamos luchar contra los factores negativos? Aportar ideas


Magnifico video para trabajar en el aula la prevención de Drogas.
El video con un comienzo muy cinéfilo trata la prevención utilizando la técnica de “los opuestos”.
En este video enfrenta los factores negativos frente a los factores positivos que inciden en el consumo de drogas, utilizando una música  y un montaje visual  y sonoro adecuados. Con un “slogan” muy relacionado con la publicidad y el consumo como es el 100% libre de sustancias

DELEGACIÓN DE EDUCACION: "100% Libre" CEIP San Diego. San Nicolas del Puerto - Sevilla)


  • o Análisis publicitario de la idea, lenguaje gráfico a semejanza de los tatuajes y la importancia de la música y la frase final en el video.
    o Trabajar sobre las ideas previas del alumnado. ¿Qué es educar en valores?
    o  Preguntar  y trabajar con los valores que el alumnado considera prioritarios para vivir. Ordenar de mayor a menor según la importancia que les dan a estos valores.
    o Elaborar lista de valores positivos y valores negativos para la vida. Valorar a continuación qué valores son más importantes frente al consumo de Drogas


Con lenguaje publicitario de “spot” televisivo el video mediante música amable y utilizando la técnica de los opuestos nos introduce en las alternativas al consumo y en la educación en valores.


TEMAS: Alcohol.

TOPICS: Pressure of group, Decissionmaking

TEMAS: Tipos de drogas.

TEMAS: Alternativas al consumo de drogas.

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